patrick sebastien : bonhomme apres l amour ; gign
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2004-12-22 10:09:13 UTC
bonjour quelqu un peut il me dire ou je peut trouver ces deux titres
bonhomme apres l amour
Hors sujet sur fcm.
fu2 ailleurs...
Il est peut-être HS, mais tu ne lui proposes rien d'autre... ;-)

Pour mémoire : Follow Up To: lorsqu'une discussion n'a plus sa place sur
le forum, il est de bon ton de la continuer sur un autre forum, via ce
que l'on appelle un crosspost (crucipublication en français et Xpost
dans le jargon usenetien). Il est bien sûr évident qu'un Fu2 (suivi à:
marquez l'adresse du forum cible dans la case ou "poster" pour des
réponses par mail) doit être placé afin que toute les réponses à votre
post devenues hors sujet sur FRH se fassent sur le forum adéquat.

"Bonhomme après l'amour" et "Gign", ce sont des sketchs ou des chansons
? Il faut dire que je ne connais pas vraiment Patrick Sébastien.
2004-12-25 15:13:08 UTC
Ha bon ? Sébastien c'est de la musique et de la variété ...mais c'est hors

Explique ?
bonjour quelqu un peut il me dire ou je peut trouver ces deux titres
bonhomme apres l amour
Hors sujet sur fcm.
fu2 ailleurs...
The C-FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/faq.html
The C-library: http://www.dinkumware.com/refxc.html
"Mal nommer les choses c'est ajouter du malheur au
monde." -- Albert Camus.
Alain Naigeon
2004-12-25 15:45:49 UTC
Post by Narbert
Hors sujet sur fcm.
Explique ?
fcm = fr.comp.musique
là t'est déjà ailleurs, donc c'est différent.
(comp = musique assistée par ordinateur)

Français *==> "Musique renaissance" <==* English
midi - facsimiles - ligatures - mensuration
http://anaigeon.free.fr | http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/anaigeon/
Alain Naigeon - ***@free.fr - Strasbourg, France
Alain Naigeon
2004-12-25 20:29:57 UTC
bell peppers
garlic salt, pepper, etc.
3 cups chicken stock
2 sticks butter
3 tablespoons oil

First stuff the heads, or make the patties (see index)
then fry or bake.
Set aside to drain on paper towels.
Make a roux with butter, oil and flour,
brown vegetables in the roux, then add chicken stock and
allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the patties or stuffed heads, and some loose crawfish,
lobster, long piglet, or what have you.
Cook on low for 15 minutes, then allow it to set for at least
15 minutes more.
Serve over steamed rice; this dish is very impressive!

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Babies really can be found under a cabbage leaf -
or one can arrange for ground beef to be found there instead.

8 large cabbage leaves
1 lb. lean ground newborn human filets, or ground chuck
soy sauce
salt pepper, etc
Olive oil
Tomato Gravy (see index)

Boil the cabbage leaves for 2 minutes to soften.
In skillet, brown the meat in a little olive oil,
then add onions, peppers, and celery (all chopped finely)
and season well.
Place in a large bowl and cool.
Add seas
2004-12-25 20:31:38 UTC
using œ cup per pound of meat.
Tie the arms flat to the body, then pull the skin flaps up to close the cavity.
Now tie the thighs up tight to hold it all together.
Place breast side up in a large metal roasting pan.
Bake in 325° oven covered for 2 hours.
Remove cover, stick a cooking thermometer deep into one of the
baby?s buttocks and cook uncovered till thermometer reads 190°,
about another hour.

Pro-Choice Po-Boy

Soft-shelled crabs serve just as well in this classic southern delicacy.
The sandwich originated in New Orleans, where an abundance of abortion clinics
thrive and hot French bread is always available.

2 cleaned fetuses, head on
2 eggs
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 cup seasoned flour
oil enough for deep frying
1 loaf French bread
mayonnaise, etc.

Marinate the fetuses in the egg-mustard mixture.
Dredge thoroughly in flour.
Fry at 375° until crispy golden brown.
Remove and place on paper towels.

Holiday Youngster

One can easily adapt this recipe to ham, though as presented,
it violates no religious taboos against swine.

1 large toddler or small child, cleaned and de-headed
Kentucky Bourbon Sauce (see index)
1 large can pineapple slices
Whole cloves

Place him (or ham) or her in a large glass baking dish, buttocks up.
Tie with butcher string around and across so that he looks like
he?s crawling.
Glaze, then arrange pineapples and secure with cloves.
Bake uncovered in 350° oven till thermometer reaches 160°.

Cajun Babies

Just like crabs or crawfish, babies
