La chanson du siecle
(trop ancien pour répondre)
Laurent Chamois
2004-12-09 18:25:23 UTC
A l'occasion du centenaire de la Chanson Française,
Paris Match et France 2 lancent un sondage inédit sur
la chanson d'amour du siècle. Dites-nous votre préférence
dans la liste que vous trouverez ci-dessous. Cette liste a été
établie par les spécialistes réunis autour de Daniela Lumbroso
pour l'émission spéciale, diffusée le samedi 15 janvier à 20h50,
et, au cours de laquelle vous découvrirez le résultat du scrutin.
Laissez parler vos goûts, vos idées, vos tendances musicales
au cour d'un vaste répertoire que La Nuit de la Chanson Française
sur France 2 vous racontera en détails et en exclusivité.

Alain Naigeon
2004-12-09 23:33:10 UTC
Post by Laurent Chamois
A l'occasion du centenaire de la Chanson Française,
Paris Match et France 2 lancent un sondage inédit sur
la chanson d'amour du siècle.
Il vaudrait mieux attendre encore 96 ans, non ? ;-)


Français *==> "Musique renaissance" <==* English
midi - facsimiles - ligatures - mensuration
http://anaigeon.free.fr | http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/anaigeon/
Alain Naigeon - ***@free.fr - Strasbourg, France
Laurent Chamois
2004-12-10 06:19:12 UTC
arf :)

oui c'est vrai ca !
Post by Alain Naigeon
Post by Laurent Chamois
A l'occasion du centenaire de la Chanson Française,
Paris Match et France 2 lancent un sondage inédit sur
la chanson d'amour du siècle.
Il vaudrait mieux attendre encore 96 ans, non ? ;-)
Français *==> "Musique renaissance" <==* English
midi - facsimiles - ligatures - mensuration
http://anaigeon.free.fr | http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/anaigeon/
Laurent Chamois
2004-12-25 23:05:08 UTC
and placing whole cloves deep into the meat.
Grease a baking pan, and fill with a thick bed of onions,
celery, green onions, and parsley.
Place roast on top with fat side up.
Place uncovered in 500° oven for 20 minutes, reduce oven to 325°.
Bake till medium rare (150°) and let roast rest.
Pour stock over onions and drippings, carve the meat and
place the slices in the au jus.

Bisque à l?Enfant

Honor the memory of Grandma with this dish by utilizing her good
silver soup tureen and her great grandchildren (crawfish, crab or
lobster will work just as well, however this dish is classically
made with crawfish).

Stuffed infant heads, stuffed crawfish heads, stuffed crab or lobster shells;
make patties if shell or head is not available
(such as with packaged crawfish, crab, or headless baby).
bell peppers
garlic salt, pepper, etc.
3 cups chicken stock
2 sticks butter
3 tablespoons oil

First stuff the heads, or make the patties (see index)
then fry or bake.
Set aside to drain on paper towels.
Make a roux with butter, oil and flour,
brown vegetables in the roux, then add chicken stock and
allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the patties or stuffed heads, and some loose crawfish,
lobster, long piglet, or what have you.
Cook on low for 15 minutes, then allow it to set for at least
15 minutes more.
Serve over steamed rice; this dish is very impressive!

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Babies really can be found under a cabbage leaf -
or one can arrange for ground beef to be found there instead.

8 large cabbage leaves
1 lb. lean ground newborn human filets, or ground chuck
soy sauce
salt pepper, etc
Olive oil
Tomato Gravy (see index)

Boil the cabbage leaves for 2 minutes to soften.
In skillet, brown the meat in a little olive oil,
then add onions, peppers, and cele
Alain Naigeon
2004-12-25 20:12:48 UTC
rare, yearling, or the
morticians occasional horror: a small miracle stopped short by a
drunk driver, or the innocent victim of a drive-by shooting...

2 cups finely chopped very young human flesh
1 cup shredded cabbage
1 cup bean sprouts
5 sprigs green onion, finely chopped
5 cloves minced garlic
4-6 ounces bamboo shoots
chicken broth
oil for deep frying (1 gallon)
soy & teriyaki
minced ginger, etc.
1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water
1 egg beaten

Make the stuffing:
Marinate the flesh in a mixture of soy and teriyaki sauces
then stir fry in hot oil for till brown - about 1 minute, remove.
Stir-fry the vegetables.
Put the meat back into the wok and adjust the seasoning.
De-glaze with sherry, cooking off the alcohol.
Add broth (optional) cook a few more minutes.
Add the cornstarch, cook a few minutes till thick,
then place the stuffing into a colander and cool;
2 hours
Wrap the rolls:
Place 3 tablespoons of stuffing in the wrap, roll tightly -
corner nearest you first, fold 2 side corners in,
wrap till remaining corner is left.
Brush with egg, seal, and allow to sit on the seal for
a few minutes.
Fry the rolls:
325° if using egg roll wraps, 350° for spring roll wraps.
Laurent Chamois
2004-12-25 22:10:40 UTC
on paper towels.

Miscarriage with Mustard Greens

Why waste it? Otherwise, and in general, use ham or salt pork to season greens.
The technique of smothering greens can be used with many vegetables;
green beans work especially well. Meat is not necessary every day, don?t
be afraid to alter any dish to vegetarian tastes.

1 premature baby, born dead
Large bunch of mustard greens
2 white onions, 1 cup chopped celery
Vegetable oil (or hog fat)
Salt, pepper, garlic, etc.

Lightly brown onions, celery, garlic and meat in large heavy pot.
Add a little water and the greens (which should be thoroughly cleaned and washed).
Smother slowly for at least 2 hours, adding small amounts of water
when it starts to stick.
Stir frequently.
When ready - serve with rice, grilled smoked sausage, green salad, and iced tea.
Coffee and apple pie then brandy.

Maternity Ward Pot Luck Dinner

If you can?t get anything fresh from the hospital, nursery, or morgue;
you can at least get rid of all the leftovers in your refrigerator.

1 - 2 lbs. cubed meat (human flesh, chicken, turkey, beef...)
1 -2 lbs. coarsely chopped vegetables
(carrots, potatoes, turnips, cauliflower, cabbage...)
Bell pepper
salt pepper, etc.
Olive oil

Brown the meat and some chopped onions, peppers, and garil
2005-01-07 16:22:14 UTC
Post by Laurent Chamois
A l'occasion du centenaire de la Chanson Française,
Paris Match et France 2 lancent un sondage inédit sur
la chanson d'amour du siècle.
Parce que la Chanson Française n'a que 100 ans ? Ainsi donc, on ne
chantait pas en 1900 ? En 1800 ? En 1700 ? En 1600 ? etc etc etc

Vraiment n'importe quoi ... !
La mondialisation, c'est bien... L'internet, les téléphones portables,
les ordinateurs... toutes ces choses qui ne concernent pas la moitié de
la planète ! [Jimmy Carter]