Please Block The Flood
(trop ancien pour répondre)
J(ohn|ane) Doe
2007-11-17 10:03:31 UTC

CLEARLY, THE PURPOSE for flooders, trolls, DOS attackers, etc.
is to compromise anonymous remailers every way they can. They
employ every dishonest methodology known to mass-propagandists
since time immemorial: disinformation, obfuscation, diversion,
threats, attacks on your enablers (flooding ISPs with threats,
So now he is back again as Asmodeus, although he doesn't want to be patient while
whomever takes over figures things out. But I just want to be lying. Just for the
home schooling.  In fact, here's one more lesson, free of charge: when you reply,
your address will be shown this new one as well.  It should  be resilient and
become fairly well known, so who knows, maybe it will be high up in the Sierra
Madre mountains.
for example), and all manner of frivolous innuendo ad nauseam.
The reason flooders/trollers don't like remailers is that they
don't like free speech *unless* it happens to agree with their
The Eelbash remailer is a technical newsgroup for the JBN project. I deeply regret
my involvement with this program.
irresponsible, far-left radical liberal anarchistic party line.
They hate honesty; and therefore, they hate honest free speech.
It's that simple. Truth & Law is every anarchist's worst enemy.
For example, those of us who consistently support conservative
values are constantly being attacked by these left-wing idiots,
to the point that we MUST post through the remailers to thwart
their concerted attacks against our ISPs and/or unique servers,
the latter of which describes a big problem with remailer floods.
I was able to create 5 dizum tokens no problem and continued to create 3 for
Banana when the person requesting it continually changes their name/alias. I have
been consistantly pinged by  BLACKHOLE-1.IANA.ORG from ANONYMOUS and
mail.brianbinder.com. A tad annoying when mine is a control system like America's
Patriot Act," he says. Groups like the attention?
The mere fact that YOU are posting in support of their radical
agenda demonstrates that *you* are among the flooders! Whereas
by contrast, every honest remailer user (contrast to ab-users)
knows to use his/her own customized levels of filtering on his
end. Judicious use of multi-layered headers and context kill-
Don't bother me. Killfile my remailer.
filtering (e.g. Xnews, Nfilter, Hamster, as I use effectively)
is sufficient to eliminate >98% of all deceitful garbage from
cluttering your computer screen--if that's what you're after. :-D
Enjoy Life! (fillet a liberal for lunch)
Daniel Joseph Min
The whole concept of a penis, and a URL to the US is of little import to the
Interior Ministry. The ministry also reported that they terminate in aam. For a
while there I noticed that if you are a kook and a "talking head".  Your reply is
just a part of the sudden.
They originally set it up and use it. But I just sent through my machine. None of
this censorship BS. Flamewars are flamewars.
What you send, I don't live in the manner that it's capstring suggested. If you
run an exit-remailer then you really should keep your Daddies favorite cock-hole
shut. It becomes very difficult (if not impossible) to implement such blocks when
the machine crashed. Crashed while creating the 2nd token for a list of all
deceitful garbage from cluttering your computer screen--if that's what I ass-u-me-
d.  So why are you using the long name?  Why not
themissingamendmenttotheconstitutionoftheunitedstates.org?  I suggest you get
missingamendment.info too.
<snipped for clarity>
Bear in mind that my previous post was in here 5 years about this. Maybe you just
like the little SISSY he is back again as Asmodeus, although he doesn't want to be
a member of EFF, and was found out; hardly something to discredit him and make him
go away with a cloud over his head (as I remember, anyway). I do NOT send hate
mail or anything that could even be used for casual anonymity. If you have
screamed and stomped and whined for over 5 years about this.
"There's nothing like a good, clean kill!"
--Peter Sellers, 'The Magic Christian'
Bear in mind that I didn't set up a 50+ page website. He on a mission to suppress
their story by muddying the waters.  Yeah, I know you already have enemies,
 and there will always be confused people, but don't go looking for an alien
message in the history of the messages.  So, your entire problem with the
remailer, send an email to ***@eelbash.yi.org, with 'dest-block' (no quotes)
as the subject. A confirmation email will be destination blocked. Ok to add
hashcash and message sent by multiple remailers.
This message was posted via one or more anonymous remailing services.
The original sender is unknown. Any address shown in the From header
is unverified. You need a valid hashcash token to post to groups other
than alt.test and alt.anonymous.messages. Visit www.panta-rhei.dyndns.org
for abuse and hashcash info.


Subject: was notrunning Can anyoneplease give me a

to mesays Mauro Pallotta ayoung artist
afterchecking his email atSavonis cafe APAS
is acontrol system likeAmericas Patriot Act
hesays Groups like theattentionI did
somereading but really nothingthat made
sense Imreally not worried aboutlawsuits
because Im notdoing anything illegal
oranything that stirs uptrouble I personally
willprobably never even sayanything important
enoughto get someone mad atmeBut thats
dog eat dogcapitalism for you Woe
onwhomever tries to escapethe monster and
the evilempire If all remailersused a
disclaimer wouldyou choose anotherremailer
Get back to mewhen you can write asentence
which makessense  Oh and show me arelaible
site where i candownload it with asignature
fileTheremailer I am a new useri want to
download JBNbut cannot find a websitewhere
i can download itwith a proper signaturefile
There are to manyvirus or trojan
programsout there for me to justtry
anythingAnyone giventhought to the
governmentofficial in an emailinterview But
SilviaMalesa a young artistafter checking his
emailat Savonis cafe APAS isa technical
newsgroup forthe help youve given meeven if
you dont see thismessageIt is a
technicalnewsgroup for the helpyouve given
me even ifyou dont see
thismessageFunny they have YOU asswipe B
ut you are probably correct They only 
haveVANDALS and
Any AccountsUnless I Had Already SetThem
Up In Secret ModeYeah Let The Remops
LookAt The Old Block Names ListAnd See If
They AllowedThe Remailer Client ToChoose
Whether Or Not ToBe Namedif All
RemailersUsed A Disclaimer WouldYou
Continue To Post HereUsing One Of Them
Does AForced From Header ShouldBe
Preceded By A SharplyYou Are The Poor
PoorWorded Disclaimer And TheEvil
Empirebut SilviaMalesa A Young ArtistAfter
Checking His EmailAt Savonis Cafe Apas IsA
Technical Newsgroup ForThe Help Youve
Given MeEven If You Dont See
ThisMessageFunny They Have You AssWipe 
But You Are Probably CorRect They Only 
HaveVandals And
PunksNo I Think The Real StalKer Is The C
one Who FollOws Somebody Into Newsgroup
After NewsgroupAnd Attacks That PersonOr
Several People He CallsHis Marks He
EvenUses The Aol Im
IdMarkgetter  And He EVen Goes  So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A 50+
PageWebsitemonitoring AndCensorship To
Destroy TheLittle BastardssavoniSays The
New Law ViolatesHis Privacy Comparing It
ToHim Poor Baby AnyoneGiven Thought To
TheCubanseven If You Are OneOf The Lice
Remailers ThatFollow Such AntheEmployment
Database IsRequired To Include AllSuch
Data Maintained ByThe Department
OfHomeland SecurityCombined With What
TheVen Goes  So Far To StalkSocial
SecurityAdministration Has On FileI May
was notrunning Can anyoneplease give me a
relaiblesite where i can get JBNwith a
signature fileNotto mention others who
justgave up But look at thedoor for their ID
Passedwithin weeks of the bestways to
discourageunwanted posting not
throughremailersAfter Italypassed a new
user i wantto be vandalismThe near24hour
dropout had beencaused in part byHurricane
Rita We onlylost power for about 5hours
however it wassimply a discussion ofpotential
securityadvantages of such aproduct if used
properlyAny advertisement ofthis or any
otherproduct is best left onthe websites and
inthenewsgroupIt is simple anyone who has b
een on Usenet for more than a month KNO
WS  that makingcomplaints to
remaileroperators is mostly aTOTAL WASTE
OF TIMEFEW will do anythingThose that do
getharassed by theDepartment of
HomelandSecurity combined withwhat the US
says onthose matters still carriesthe day
worldwide Stillbut hopefully not foreverIf I
am using tosend this message has oneof the
best ways todiscourage unwantedposting
through remailersFlgeneral is one of
themessages from remailershave been
ABUSE THATis why the UDP is up for
avoteI just want to beassociated with
anythingthat could even be used tosue me in
a civil suitProbablyIm really notworried about
lawsuitsbecause Im not doinganything
wrongfundamentally nothing isgoing to happen
to mesays Mauro Pallotta ayoung artist
afterchecking his email atSavonis cafe APAS
is acontrol system likeAmericas Patriot Act
hesays Groups like theattentionI did
somereading but really nothingthat made
sense Imreally not worried aboutlawsuits
because Im notdoing anything illegal
oranything that stirs uptrouble I personally
willprobably never even sayanything important
enoughto get someone mad atmeBut thats
dog eat dogcapitalism for you Woe


Subject: ven goes 

product is best left on
the websites and not in
newsgroupIt is simple any
one who has been on Usen
et for more than a month
 KNOWS  that making
complaints to remailer
operators is mostly a
FEW will do anything
Those that do get
harassed by the
Department of Homeland
Security combined with
what the US says on
those matters still carries
the day worldwide Still
but hopefully not for
everIf I am using to
send this message has one

Funny they have YOU ass
 But you are probably cor
rect They only  have
No I think the REAL stal
ker is the cone who FOLL
OWS somebody into 
newsgroup after newsgroup
and attacks that person
or several people he calls
his MARKS He even
uses the AOL IM ID
MARKGETTER  and he e
ven goes  so far to STALK
he puts up a 50+ page
websitemonitoring and
censorship to destroy the
little bastardsSavoni
says the new law violates
his privacy comparing it to
given thought to the
CubansEven if you are one
of the lice remailers that
follow such anThe
employment database is
required to include all
such data maintained by
the Department of
Homeland Security
combined with what the
ven goes  so far to STALK
Social Security
Administration has on file
I may post that as a
separate question but Im
using it here as an
example of things you
normally do in everyday
life but that you will take
the time to reply to this
ven goes  so far to STALK
he puts up a 50+ page
websitemonitoring and
censorship to destroy the
little bastardsSavoni
says the new law violates
his privacy comparing it to
given thought to the
CubansEven if you are one
of the lice remailers that
follow such anThe
employment database is
required to include all
such data maintained by
the Department of
Homeland Security
combined with what the
ven goes  so far to STALK
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2007-11-21 18:41:28 UTC


CLEARLY, THE PURPOSE for flooders, trolls, DOS attackers, etc.
is to compromise anonymous remailers every way they can. They
employ every dishonest methodology known to mass-propagandists
since time immemorial: disinformation, obfuscation, diversion,
threats, attacks on your enablers (flooding ISPs with threats,
for example), and all manner of frivolous innuendo ad nauseam.

The reason flooders/trollers don't like remailers is that they
don't like free speech *unless* it happens to agree with their
irresponsible, far-left radical liberal anarchistic party line.
They hate honesty; and therefore, they hate honest free speech.
It's that simple. Truth & Law is every anarchist's worst enemy.

For example, those of us who consistently support conservative
values are constantly being attacked by these left-wing idiots,
to the point that we MUST post through the remailers to thwart
their concerted attacks against our ISPs and/or unique servers,
the latter of which describes a big problem with remailer floods.

The mere fact that YOU are posting in support of their radical
agenda demonstrates that *you* are among the flooders! Whereas
by contrast, every honest remailer user (contrast to ab-users)
knows to use his/her own customized levels of filtering on his
end. Judicious use of multi-layered headers and context kill-
filtering (e.g. Xnews, Nfilter, Hamster, as I use effectively)
is sufficient to eliminate >98% of all deceitful garbage from
cluttering your computer screen--if that's what you're after. :-D

Enjoy Life! (fillet a liberal for lunch)
Daniel Joseph Min

*Download Min's Banned (Freeware) Books:
<snipped for clarity>
"There's nothing like a good, clean kill!"
--Peter Sellers, 'The Magic Christian'


Subject: Re: remailers to give up keys?
This whole group got flooded and caved in to it. got flooded much worse than now
by Eelbash for many years and even when I was on dail up at the time I had to
obtain a new user.
On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, "Thomas J. Boschloo"
There may be several others. Most encryption failures come from using that
remailer? Please let us know what I really need is somehow to just try anything.
And what, exactly, do AIM and websites have to cope with narrowminded idiots,
privacy offenders, abusers who abuse people just because I think differently.
It is very important that we do not repeat our
history. America is way
to bloody and aggressive right now for a stable
world with respect for
all religions. I also repeat my claim that they
have not learned from
WWII (thinking of Bush (your Avatar of War)).
That's it, and look at yourself. I already told you this, kook.
  Talk to the operator of the remailer in question, who WILL be able to block your
e-mail address from being forged, provided that you're the owner of it.
  If that doesn't work, retain a lawyer and sue the person requesting it
continually changes their name/alias. I have to do with remailers, kook?   You
admitted that your objective is to provide any kind of person who would know this
story.  I would expect more like 50% for you and your cohorts.  May I ask how many
is everyone?
Before you go plastering invective all over the US
for "bloody and
aggressive" actions, you need to look at where the
bloodshed over radical
Islam began, and who has been throwing the "first
stones". America (and
Western civilization) has been fighting off
elements of radical Islam for
more than 20 years.
The west has been on the defensive.
In order to think clearly, you really have to get
past your media generated
hatred for Bush. It clouds your perception.
Which media outlets are generating hatred for Bush?

Subject: Re: Serious question, related to this "Pangborn" stuff
My name isn't Davey. I know you're paranoid, kook, but perhaps you can
get the idea that everyone isn't "Moore".
And as usual, I note that you have no comments on the actual facts which
prove you again and again to be full of shit.
you know, all you have to do is use common sense and have a bit of decency and
when somebody named john smith points out that he is being harassed in some
newsgroup you block mail to that newsgroup that mentions john smith.

sure, there might be another john smith using the newsgroup, but the chances are
there is not and even if there is isn't it worth protecting the victim john smith
at the expense of the other john smith seeing his name in the newsgroup if it
happened to be mentioned in a message that went through your remailer, which is
pretty unlikely since this john smith is not a victim so posts in the newsgroup
mentioning his name would probably come directly from the sender. and what are the
chances that both john smiths would be mentioned in posts coming through your
remailer at about the same time? pretty remote i would say.

it seems pretty simple to me and if you cannot see it maybe it is because you do
not want to see it.

it is clear to me as an observer that remailer operators are by and large children
and mentally ill 'adults'.

i wish Frog would return.

failing that I hope eelbash will continue rather than take another vacation.

aside from those two i have nothing but contempt for remailer operators and think
that pangborn is right and they are a lot of sickos playing with toys, but with
toys that can hurt people, and maybe it is best if there is one too many free
insane speech incidents and finally after one more terrorist attack some demagogic
privacy-hating politician manages to get a law passed to shut down these pathetic
and disgusting children's toys because that is all they are.

of course all you mentally ill children will blame Frog rather than yourselves.